Monthly Archives: January 2014

Ikebana nirvana – Japan floral arts


Practising the art of Ikeba

Practising the art of Ikebana – vintage photo from Japan


 I like the Zen aesthetic of Ikebana flower arrangements where space is as important as the detail. The graceful, clean lines are given room to express their elegance and the favoured asymmetrical forms reinforce the dynamic. Silence was traditionally a prerequisite for practising Ikebana and the Zen masters valued it as a contemplative art form. The art of Ikebna has been taught for over 450 years.  Instead of an array of colourful flower petals, Ikebana often highlights only two or three flowers combined with other parts of the plant, i.e. stems, branches and leaves, to define shape, line and form. The vessel containing the arrangement are also given much consideration.

Ikebana History

From pre-Buddhist times, the Japanese used evergreen trees and flowers to invoke nature gods and some claim this practice is at the heart of secular Ikebana. Japan’s deep connection with nature in the form of flowers, wild plants and trees is apparent even in the earliest of Japanese writings.
Ikebana, first appeared in the Muromachi Period (from the late 14th century to the mid 16th century). It was during this period that much of what was to become viewed as traditional Japanese art and its canon of beauty was established. The Shoin-style of residential architecture, the tea ceremony, Ikebana, noh plays,  renga verse and garden design, all have their beginnings in the Muromachi period. Ikebana was used in the Buddhist temples for altar decorations and worship. The translation of Ikebana is ” priest of the lake ” from  a Buddhist priest who lived next to a lake and was sought out for his skills in flower arrangement  This was at the the Rokkakudo Temple, official name is Shiun-ji Purple Cloud Temple in Kyoto.


The Rokkakudo temple was erected in 587 by Prince Shotoku. It is said that Prince Shotoku was searching for materials to build the Shitenno Temple. During his search, one day he went to bathe in a pond, where he hung a Buddhist amulet over a nearby tree. After his bath, he tried to remove the amulet, but he was unable to do so. That same night, the Prince saw the Buddha in his dream. The Buddha instructed him to erect a temple near the pond at the cedar tree under a purple cloud. From that cedar wood Rokkakudo temple was built to house a Kannon (Quan-Yin) Goddess statue. ( via The Art Of Ikabena )


 Ikabana display at a Japanese tea ceremony

From the Azuchi Momoyama period through to the Edo period, Ikebana, seen as a living art form, went through several transitions. The Doboshu style concentrated on flower arrangements based on a standing branch in the centre of the vase which was called tatebana. The samurai class and aristocracy used Ikebana with their detailed form of tea ceremony. In the Edo period, Ikebana underwent one of its most serious shifts. The Ikenobo style of tatebana, influenced by Senno Rikkyu’s chabana (simplified flower arrangements for tea rooms) spread from the samurai warrior class to townsman or urban merchant culture.The simplicity of the Chabana in turn helped create the Nageire or “thrown-in” style. The ‘non structured’  Nagaire style led to the Shoka style, which focused on the uniqueness of the plant,  and also the Jiyūka style – a free creative design not confined to flowers as all materials could be used.
With the Meiji period modernization, Ikebana experienced an important adaption. The Meiji government committed itself to educating women and decided that Ikabana art should be defined as training women to be “good wives and wise mothers”. The government literally decreed that, as part of this character formation, Ikebana, once a male art form, was now a standard part of women’s education. This ensured the popularity of the art form into modern times.


Atsushi is the first artist I’m featuring and I feel his arrangements really capture the spirit of Ikebana, nicely complimented by his photography.


Box horsetail, shepherd's purse - Ikebana by Atsushi

Box horsetail, shepherd’s purse Ikebana – Atsushi, Japan




Japan Ikebana by Atsushi

Japan Ikebana by Atsushi




Companion - Atsushi

‘Companion’ – Atsushi




Ikebana by Atsushi

Ikebana by Atsushi





Hitorishizuka Atshushi

Hitorishizuka – Atsushi





Ichihana one leaf by Atsushi

‘Early Spring’ by Atsushi




I wait for the rain

‘I wait for the rain’ – Atsushi




Messenger - Atsushi

‘Messenger’ – Atsushi




Moderation is best - Atsushi

‘Moderation is best’ – Atsushi




Muscari---grape hyacinth by Atsushi

Muscari—grape hyacinth by Atsushi






No title – Atsushi





‘Pioneer’ – Camellia japonica, Spiraea




Red spider lily

Red spider lily Ikebana by Atsushi




‘Spring Ephemeral’ – Atsushi

Southeast Asia Earthenware Bowl





‘Incense’ – Tsukubai of Awakoganegiku  with Shigaraki vase – Atsushi




Until the equinox - Ashushi-ikebana

‘Until the equinox’ – Atsushi, Japan





Goldenrod flower with a ritual implement made of copper  – Atsushi





 Ikebana by Atsushi – Virginia willow, grass-of-Parnassus




Lotus by Atsushi

‘Lotus’ by Atsushi

The fruit of lotus and magnolia, in a miso pot from the Cham in Vietnam.






White campion Bana Matsumoto, Yamaji Roh little cuckoo





'63 Ikebana by Atsushi

’63 Ikebana by Atsushi




Amaryllidaceae---bracket fungus

‘Promise’  –  Amaryllidaceae—bracket fungus





Red fruit - Atsushi

‘Red fruit’ – Atsushi

website – Ichihana one leaf by Atsushi


Sofu Teshigahara and family :

Sofu Teshigahara was born in Osaka as the first son of the Ikebana artist Wafu Teshigahara. He broke away from his father because he questioned the traditional Ikebana of arranging flowers in a routine fashion. In 1927 he founded the famous Sogetsu school, which advocates Ikebana as art that respects the individuality of the person arranging the flowers. There are some rules, but no arbitrary dogmas, and those rules are always flexible.
The Sogetsu School aims to be alive, using plants and flowers to express vividly experiences of the present age. Below are some Ikabana art by Sofu, his son Hiroshi and Hiroshi’s daughter Akane. Some of Sofu’s modernist sculptures re included.


Opening installations-Hiroshi Teshigahara


Opening installations for the Exhibition 0f Hiroshi Teshigahara at the Museum of Modern Art, Saitama. (July 2007)







Sogetsu Exhibition “Red and Black” June 2009 (Shinjuku Takashimaya, Tokyo) The big arrangement used coloured driftwood as a framework, and was arranged with a soft line of coloured weeping willow, coloured box tree, smoke tree, and glory lily.





Sogetsu Exhibition,433x471


Sogetsu Exhibition, Shinjuku – 2005





The fruiting kaki branches are drastically trimmed to present the vigour of the lines. A sense of volume is created by the bright yellow color of the chrysanthemums in the center – Akane Teshigahara






Ikebana Japan


Commemorative Ceremony for the 20th Anniversary of the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor in November 2009 at the National Theatre, Tokyo.
These stage flowers were displayed to express the feeling of celebration with red and white moth orchid, camellia, Japanese hemlock, idesia, Citrus natsudaidai, baby’s breath and statice. Spilt bamboo added a sense of rhythm.

Akane Teshigahara





Akane Teshigahara -Ikabana


White lace flowers exude a light feeling while the cheerful colours of the poppy give an impression of joyful dancing. – Akane Teshigahara





Flowers Japanese Ikebana


 The glossy China root berries and the soft, brush-like fibers of achiote —By combining these materials both red but with different textures, an exquisite contrast is created.  – Akane Teshigahara





Japanese traditional floral arrangement


Large flowers of soft purple and white hydrangea are placed within free-flowing bottlebrush branches. 2010

Akane Teshigahara







Plenty of delicious-looking persimmons with volume are arranged in a vase with its distinct presence, combined with the beautiful autumn leaves of mountain ash and nerine.- Akane Teshigahara




Akane Teshigahara Ikebana

Akane Teshigahara Ikebna – Golden-apple, Red-hot-poker, Goldenrod
Ceramic vase by Hiroshi Teshigahara





Akane Teshigahara Ikebna floral art


 A strong vase was selected to express the buoyant movement of plants.Pine was combined with hydrangea that offers multiple expressions of colors, and lines – Akane Teshigahara





Old Tree Ikebana


Sofu Teshigahara exhibited an extra large-scale ikebana, Inochi (Life) in which he used veins of 1000 years old wisteria which weighed 3 tons.

Takashimaya Department store in Nihonbas, Japan




Akane Teshigahara Vinasu sculpture 1957 Bridgestone Museum


A ceramic sculpture by Sofu Teshigahara called  Vinasu (Venus)  exhibited at the World Modern Art Exhibition, at the Bridgestone Museum.


Sofu Teshigahara, 1951 Ikebana Japan

Two Birds – flamingo lily, dried statice, summer cypress, Oya stone

Sofu Teshigahara, 1951


Sofu Teshigahara – Piacenza SUPERGA 1963

Sofu Teshigahara Sculpture, Italy

Sofu Teshigahara – Piacenza SUPERGA 1963

(  Giorgio Piacenza Dassu  )

Sogetsu website 


Japanese folding screen and floral arrangement

Byobu & Ikebana; Japanese folding screen and Japanese flower arrangement.

( ConveyorBeltSushi – flickr )



Ikebana2 Mochimochi Land

Ikebana 2 – Mochimochi Land




Ikebana Attempt1 flowering gum

Orange flowering gumtree with gumnuts


Mid Century Ikebana – two branches of celastrus with an abstract sculptured ceramic vessel.

( )

Ikebabn Lightning Storm from sogetsud, Flickr

‘Lightning Storm’ from sogetsud, Flickr


Ikebana by Mario HIRAMA

Ikebana by Mario Hirama

Ikebana of-Soho Sensei

Ikebana of Soho Sensei

Junko's Ikebana class

Junko’s Ikebana class

Ikebana using dried material

Ikebana using dried material and a vintage modernist vase.

Ikebana using curved lines

Ikebana using curved lines

( sogetsudc on Flickr )





Ikebana with Bamboo, Camellia, Japanese-quince — Thai Mai Van





Summer solstice 2015 – Catherine White




Ikebana Ume Rain Atsushi

June 2009 – Atsushi





Jiyuka ikebana by Xenia Melkova

Ikebana Ikenobo Russia




Cours n°36-by opaline82 on Flickr - yellow flowers ikebana

Cours n°36

opaline82 – Flickr



Ikebana - Morikami-Museum-&-Japanese-Gardens

Ikebana in turquoise vase

Morikami Museum & Japanese Gardens





White daisy, red berries and red autumn  leaves on a branch ikebana



Ikebana art

Stoneware vase – ‘Envelope’ – Alix Brodeur




Ikebana 'Leaping salmon' - Otomodachi - flickriver

 ‘Leaping salmon’ Ikebana – Otomodachi – flickriver




Ikebana Contemporary Shoka for fall- Thai Man Van




Kawase Toshiro ikebana display

Kawase Toshiro Ikebana





Ikebana with spherical vessel – Otomodachi flickriver




Ikebana – Corrie van der Meer Fischer ( sha attacking chi on left balanced with good yoi chi on the right)

Otomodachi – flickriver




Jiyuka-Maria-Maltseva freestyle ikebana

Jiyuka Ikebana – Maria Maltseva



 Ikebana art, Japanese flower arrangement, by Baiko - flickr

 Ikebana art, Japanese flower arrangement, by Baiko


Old Japanese  TANBA pottery flower vase from  KANJI MEIJI era.

KAWAI Gyokudo (1873-1957) Japanese art

A Japanese painting by KAWAI Gyokudo   (1873-1957)

Japanese photography-ENAMI - Man in Mist

ENAMI – Man in Mist

Elizabeth Sawyer - Stoneware Ikebana Container

Stoneware Ikebana Container  – Elizabeth Sawyer

ikebana-vase - Michael Hamlin Smith

Contemporary Ikebana Vase – Michael Hamlin Smith

See more Ikebana on this Veniceclayartists post – Contemplating Zen Floral Design’



Egyptian Revival Art


The Egyptian Goddess Isis statue

The Egyptian Goddess Isis – 1st century AD

Photo © Joan Ann Lansberry



Evolution of Egyptian Revival :


The Roman rule of Egypt from 30 BC to 395 AD led to Roman decorations incorporating Egyptian motifs and an increased interest in the Egyptian culture. During the Italian Renaissance “Egyptomania” resurfaced again when ancient Roman artifacts reflecting an interest in Egyptian culture along with actual Egyptian artifacts were discovered and exhibited and elements of Egyptian art were used by Italian artists. Travellers took theses Egyptian themed designs back to other parts of Europe in the 18th century.

Napoleon’s Egyptian occupation in 1798 lifted exposure of Egyptian art in the West after he assembled a contingent of over 500 scholars including biologists, archeologists, historians, artists and scientists, who were employed to catalogue their sights and new discoveries in Egypt. This was considered as an indication of Napoleon’s devotion to the principles of the Enlightenment. The results of their labours appeared in the monumental 20-volume Description del’ Égypt, completed in 1828, and in the course of their research Egyptology was born.
The British confiscated most of the French collection of Egyptian artifacts after the defeat of the French in Egypt in 1802 and most ended up in the British Museum. However the grandiose scale of Napoleons research project and their discoveries in Egypt gave rise to an increased fascination with the ancient Egyptian culture.

Egyptian statuette standing woman

Statuette of a standing woman with crossed arms Naqada III– early Dynasty 1 (ca. 3300– 3000 BC)

Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford,


The mysteries of Egypt also captured the imagination of many artisans and designers and its influence filtered through to architecture, furniture, ceramics and  jewellery where Egyptian symbols like obelisks, hieroglyphs, scarabs, pyramids and the sphinx appeared in numerous designs. Organic and plant forms such as lotus flowers and papyrus reeds appeared in the geometric decorative patterns.
Monumental Egyptian-inspired sculptures were erected throughout Paris in the ten years after Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt..The literal translations of ancient Egyptian art eventually merged into other styles such as Art Deco, in the 1920‘s, and Egyptian motifs would become an integral part of the language of Art Deco, a style that dominated the decorative arts until the late 30‘s. The discovery of King Tut’s tomb in 1922 also fed the public imagination and desire for Egyptian art.

Architecturally, the Egyptian Revival style attempted to recreate the appearance of Egyptian temples, especially with the use of massive columns and details referring to ancient Egyptian symbols—the phoenix, the sphinx, and the vulture and sun disk.


Charles Catteau Art Deco vase

Charles Catteau Art Deco vase



 20th c. Egyptian Revival Pharaoh Table

 20th c. Egyptian Revival Pharaoh Table

( 1st Dibs – Newel, NY )



Egyptian-revival-statue art nouveau - Hotel-bouctot-vagniez-amiens

 Art Nouveau Egyptian revival statue – Hôtel Bouctot-Vagniez, Amiens




Tomb of Nebamun Fragment

Wall  painting fragment from the Tomb of Nebamun

( British Museum )



 Egyptian Revival Scarab Buckle

Piel Freres  – Egyptian Revival Scarab Buckle

Belle Epoque Period





Brown-Westhead, Moore & Co. majolica Egyptian Revival garden seat.




Large 19th century Egyptian Charger

Large 19th century Egyptian metal Charger



Porcelain Egyptian revival plaque

Continental porcelain Egyptian revival plaque in a giltwood decorated frame – 1880

( 1stDibs )




FG-mark-Twin handled Egyptian Pottery

Large twin handled Egyptian Pottery – marked FG



Longwy France

Longwy Vase




Egyptian revival---Wedgewood

Egyptian revival – Wedgwood Jasperware Egypt collection – canopic jar.




Egyptian Revival painted statue

Egyptian revival statue




Egyptian Revival Marble,clock

Egyptian Revival marble, slate, and bronze-mounted mantel Temple Clock



Egyptian Revival enamelled pendant

Egyptian Revival enamelled pendant


Egyptian Museum, Cairo

Egyptian Museum, Cairo




Egyptian dancers Rene Lalique

 Perfume bottle with Egyptian dancers – Rene Lalique





‘The Temptation’ table lamp – Edgart Brandt and Daum

( Southebys )



Large Carltonware Egyptian Fan Vase

 Carltonware Egyptian Revival Fan Vase

( )




Design Toscano Wings of Isis clock

Wings of Isis clock – Toscano



CZECH Amphora Egyptian Revival vase

Amphora Egyptian Revival vase




Chiparus Egyptian Dancer

Demetre Chiparus – Egyptian Dancer





Bastet, the Cat Goddess

Bastet, the Cat Goddess




Austria,late 19th-century Egyptian Revival vase

Austria,late 19th-century Egyptian Revival vase


Art Nouveau Scarab and Papyrus

Art Nouveau Scarab and Papyrus brooch




Art Deco Urn Vase Egyptian

Art Deco Egyptian Urn Vase




Large Carlton Ware Art Deco vase

Large Carlton Ware Art Deco vase

( )




Art Deco Egyptian Revival

French Art Deco Egyptian revival gem-set plaque brooch

( Skinner Auctions )





Two kneeling Egyptian maidens holding chains attached to a flaring vase.- Dagoty, Paris

( )



Women at a Banquet, Tomb of Rekhmire – New Kingdom, Dynasty 18

( The Met, NY )





Antinea by Demetre Chiparus, ca.1928.




Adelaide Alsop Robineau

The ” Scarab Vase ” by Adelaide Alsop Robineau

( Everson Museum )





Carved Egytpian Revival armchair made in Egypt, circa 1925-30.




Art Deco Elevator entrance

Art Deco Egyptian Papyrus inspired elevator entrance





1950s Italian Pottery Lamps Egyptian Revival

1950s Italian Pottery Lamps Egyptian Revival style





1920s Egyptian revival scarab jewellry

1920’s Egyptian revival scarab jewellry


Valtines Ar tDeco Incense Burner

Vantines Art Deco Egyptian revival Incense Burner




Minton-Egyptian-Revival vase

Minton Egyptian Revival vase

Wedgwood Rosso Antico Egyptien revival teapot

Wedgwood Rosso Antico Egyptien revival teapot

Antique Centrepiece Egyptian Revival Art Deco

Antique Centrepiece Egyptian Revival Art Deco- Czechoslovakia




Vintage 40’s red pharaoh earings





 Early 19th century Coalport Porcelain Classical Urn or Vase with Egyptian Hieroglyphics, 1810

( RubyLane )


Sarreguemines French vase

Sarreguemines French ceramic vase




French Porcelain Egyptian Revival box

 Late 19th c. French Porcelain Egyptian Revival Lidded Box



Nippon Egyptian revival dish

Nippon Egyptian revival dish





An antique French Egyptian revival mantel clock set with Sphinx’s and Griffon’s.

( )





Art deco statue, seated lady with fan




Art Deco Egyptian Revival Cleopatra brooch





Bronze Egyptian Revival Lamp Figure




red Egyptian-Revival-poster with image of Bastet

 Egyptian Revival Bastet poster





Egyptian Revival black marble and bronze case clock with surrounding Roman relief on animal paw feet, Egyptian figure of nude woman leaning on Sphinx. Works signed Japy LeMaire, Paris





George Jones Majolica ceramic compote

England, 1857



Green and gold art-deco-enamel-compact

 Art deco enamel compact




Female Bronze Sphinx candle holder




Pair of Ronson Egyptian Revival Bronze Bookends

Aspire auctions



Victorian-Egyptian-Revival-gold Locket---1890 with pharaoh face

Victorian Egyptian Revival gold Locket




Pair-of-French-gilt-and-patinated-Egytpian-styled-candle stands

Pair of French gilt and-patinated Egytpian style candle holders



Contemporary ceramiques of France


The French have always been intrinsic style innovators in fashion and the arts and have readily adapted to new trends. In the ceramic arts, there has been a consistent tradition of invention, research, and the adoption of new techniques through the ages.  Bernard Palissy, Theodore Deck, Edmond Lachenal, Roger Capron, Clement Massier, Jean Mayodon and Andre Metthey are just a few of the French ceramicists that contributed to the development of contemporary French pottery with their exploration of different clays and glazing techniques.
The local markets have eagerly embraced and supported the contemporary ceramic purveyors and some of the current crop of contemporary ceramicists are featured in this post. Also being displayed  is a tasteful video by Luke Riolon on the Ceramique Cafe at the  les journees de la ceramique  ( ‘Days of the ceramic ‘) in Paris. This is an annual ceramics street market held in Paris over 4 days. At the Ceramique Cafe, visitors have the opportunity to choose from a diverse array of cups, provided by the many exhibitors, to use and admire while they drink their coffee.



Pascale Proffit

Love Nest  – Pascale Proffit




Nicolas Rousseau

Nicolas Rousseau

( )




Mireille Mallet

Mireille Mallet

( )




Michel Tequi

Michel Tequi

Theres Lebrun contemporary cups

Therese Lebrun

Raphaelle LAMBERT

Raphaelle Lambert

( )



Isabelle Leclercq

Isabelle Leclercq




Karima Duchamp

Karima Duchamp

( )




Sabine Stenert

Frida – Sabine Stenert

( )




Séverine Lefranc

Séverine Lefranc



Valérie Guidat contemporary French ceramic art

Valérie Guidat




Jean Girel---Seaux paysages

Jean Girel—Seaux paysages




French Ceramic Bench by Christine Ladevèze

 Christine Ladevèze

A ceramic seat at les journees de la ceramique.

( )



Gutter AIRE Allikmets

Gutter AIRE Allikmets











Gabrielle Baecile

Gabrielle Baecile





Gabrielle Baëcile

Gabrielle Baëcile






 French Patisserie chef




Florence Pauliac

Florence Pauliac

From the series “Mineral Veils”, which combines the flexibility of the earth and folding “Origami”. It is a balance between research and tension.





Florence Pauliac

Florence Pauliac

From Florence’s series of sculptures “Armor Poetic” which were inspired by the traditional Japanese costumes of the kimono and yukata.

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Gentle Rain  – Pascale Proffit


Christina Guwan urchin white cup French ceramic

Christina Guwang – Urchin White cup



Christina Guwan - zebre couleur

 Christina Guwang  – zebre couleur




Dominique Dalloun

Dominique Dalloun

‘ My work has focused in recent years on an old and almost forgotten technique which goes back (2500 years): the terra sigillata. The manufacture of a slip, with the finest particles of clay, provides satin surfaces that are shiny, soft and waterproof. The many possibilities of firing, and the infinite variety clays, gives a rich colour and tone, thanks to the presence of iron oxide in the clay used. ‘



Dominique Dalloun

Dominique Dalloun





 Robert Deblander – ( 1924 – 2010 )




Clémentine Dupré

Clémentine Dupré




Claudia Napoleone

Claudia Napoleone



Claudia Napoleone

 Volcanic rock texture in white from porcelain enamel – Claudia Napoleone





Claire Bogino

Claire Bogino




Christine Ladeveze--

Christine Ladeveze

( )

Christine Ladeveze French contemporary ceramic

Christine Ladeveze





Christine Fabre Bol

Christine Fabre



Christina Guwang zebra stiped bowl

Christina Guwang – zebra bowl




Christian Ghion

 Le Vase by Christian Ghion; “Fanatic of microcellular worlds, this design refers to my passion for the organic universe, where empty spaces have the same importance as full spaces, where beauty is singular, and where the invisible is familiar to visible”




Chantal Cesure

Chantal Cesure

( )




Chantal Cesure

Chantal Cesure




Maria Bosch

Maria Bosch – Spain




Maria Bosch

Maria Bosch, Spain




Ceramicsy Anne Longchamp

 Anne Longchamp

( )




Camille Rollier

Camille Rollier





Caroline Barbet

Caroline Barbet




Francoise Dufayard Landscape

Francoise Dufayard – Landscape dish




Anne Marie Bauer

Anne Marie Bauer

( )





Anne Laure Charlier

Anne Laure Charlier

( )




Ananda Aragundi Hanus

Ananda Aragundi Hanus

Ananda Aragundi Hanus

Ananda Aragundi Hanus

Ananda Aragundi Hanus

Ananda Aragundi Hanus

Ananda Aragundi Hanus began her career as an agricultural engineer in Ecuador. On visiting France she decided to devote her time to ceramics and in 2003 she graduated at the French Institute of Ceramics in Sevres. The shape of Ananda’s ceramic sculptures are the result of a subtle marriage between asymmetry and imbalance and their appearance resembles  textures of the natural world as if the wind had blown them or they had been shaped by water, snow or volcanoes.




Alexandra Tollet

Alexandra Tollet

Alexandra Tollet

Alexandra Tollet

Céline Huteau

Céline Huteau




Alain Fichot--

Two handled vase, enamel crystalline glaze. – Alain Fichot

( )




Vincent Potier--

Vincent Potier

( )




Gutter Aire Allikmets Paris

Gutter Aire Allikmets, Paris


Les journees de la ceramique :

Dates: Thursday 3 Friday 4 Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 July 2014
Hours: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Place Saint Sulpice, 75006 Paris


café céramique from Luc Riolon on Vimeo.


9 th Exhibition of Contemporary Ceramic

Pont L’Arche (27), from October 2 to 5, 11 am-19 pm

information: Association Le Pont des Arts – 06 18 25 57 83



flyer-pont-de-l-arche 9th Contemporary ceramique exhibition exposants-pont-de-l-arche 7th Contemporary ceramique exhibition



7 th in celebration, Esplanade des Invalides, Paris

Contemporary Art & Ceramics from 16 to 19 October

information: Association Le Pont des Arts – 06 18 25 57 83



7th contemporary art fete


Métro: Invalides, lines 8 and 13
RER : Invalides, Line C
Bus : lines 28, 63, 69, 83, 93



arbres-pt Christina.Guwang French ceramics

Contemporarie cup – Christina Guwang

Christina Guwang will be located in stand 6 at the exhibition.

Ana-Soto ceramic art

Ana Soto

French atelier

Large French atelier


 Anne-Verdier abstract ceramic

Anne Verdier contemporary sculpture

eric-astoul French ceramic bottle

Eric Astoul – La Borne, France


French teapot – La Galerie Céramique- CERADEL Les Artistes


Renata Francescon-»-Galerie NeC nilsson

Alain-Kurylo Baillet Earth Arts - Ceramics (hardware) located on Mehun Yèvre

Grand Raku – Alain Kurlylo

Sabine-Stenert ceramic cup

Sabine Stenert

Street market Saint-Sulpice-2011

Saint Sulpice, Paris

Nani-Champy-Schott contemporary bowls

Nani Champy Schott, France





Home Decor ceramics


A presentation of ceramics in a decorative living space context. The innate curvy lines of a wheel thrown pottery piece always has a classical feel about it and becomes nicely juxtaposed against the numerous straight lines that appear in most furniture and architecture, adding to the dynamic with the polarity. Classical ceramic pieces also blend nicely into a contemporary interior; their relatively compact size generally doesn’t detract from the theme and enhances the dynamic. The earth element in pottery is harmonious with the wood element and makes a room more grounded where there is a lot of wood in the structure and the furniture. Pottery with colourful glazes also are an easy way to add a splash of colour to a room featuring more muted tones.




modern decor

Nettleton 199 by Saota and Okha interiors




Vase with blue hydrangea

Classical vase with indigo blue Hydragea




Mas Amadeo – Interior Designer Gerard Faivre




Stylist Deb McLean

Stylist Deb McLean





18th Century Italian Torcheres

( )





Mid-century-Yuling Qiu

Mid-century style vase  -Yuling Qiu


 Houses of Veranda – Photo:  Francis Amiand

( belgianpearls.blogspot )




 Modern Atomic Retro Lamp

Mid Century Modern Atomic Retro Lamp




Thibaut design

 Thibaut design




Aleksandra Miecznicka

 Seated Buddah statue




Garcia Ochoa Family

Mexican vase – Garcia Ochoa Family





Long-necked jar with stamped floral and geometric decoration. Korea, Silla kingdom, 7th–8th century. Stoneware.

National Museum of Korea. Image via The Met.


Glenn Gissler Design

Glenn Gissler Design



Apartments of the Duchesse d’Elampes, Fontainebleau, Franc

 Los Penascales in Spain

 Los Penascales in Spain



 Linda Holt Interiors




Crosby Street Hotel,- NY

Crosby Street Hotel,- NY




mf architect

M22 house – mfarchitect





Designer Bronnie Masefau.

( )





Designer Bronnie Masefau.

( )





Southern Acadian House

( cotedetexas.blogspot )




Interior designer Amy Lau

 Mid-century styled apartment – interior designer Amy Lau.




Ikebana by Mario Hirama

Ikebana by Mario Hirama



Isabellastyle on Flickr

Isabellastyle on Flickr




Ishi Doro Lantern

Ishi Doro Lantern




Favrile Glass Vase — Tiffany Studios New York

7 inches height – Macklowe


June Schwarcz’s enamel vessels displayed in her home.

( thesparemedium.tumblr )




Le Mas des Isords - Gérard-Fai

Le Mas des Isords  – Gérard Faivre




Le Moulin De Manville

Le Moulin De Manville – Gérard Faivre

( )




Mark D. Sikes

Plaster bust from the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris

( elle decor )




Matt Wedel - Flower Tree 2010

Matt Wedel – Flower Tree 2010




Nordic inspired beach retreat

Christopher Elliott design


 Ontario Based Interior Designer Jewel Weeks




Ralph Lauren

Rosecliff Collection  –  Ralph Lauren Home



Tiffany Eastman interiors

Tiffany Eastman interiors




Tiki Tiger on Etsy - Atomic lamp

Mid-century Atomic lamp – Tiki Tiger on Etsy




Edith Tergau

Edith Tergau




vision design group

Vision Design Group




via Belgian Pearls

 {via Belgian Pearls}




via adorablelife.tumblr

via adorablelife.tumblr














Interior designer Michael S Smith

Interior designer Michael S Smith




Flow Fitzgerald Oraganic 6

Flow Fitzgerald – Oraganic 6




Fantoni Pair of Lamps

Pair of Lamps – Fantoni


Japanese bedroom decor

Matilda Elizabeth Amissah

Beehive – Matilda Elizabeth Amissah


Modern Jakarta residence – TWS & Partners

( )


Shell design home, Kitasaku, Japan

( ARTechnic architects )


Turquoise long neck vase – Sjostrom antiques


Ceramics by Antoinette Faragallah.

Photo by David John

Fired Earth

Fired Earth interior design

Jaffa House by Pitso Kedem

Jaffa house by Pitso Kedem, Israel

Modern Interior Design

Interior Designers –  Delhi NCR



Photo Claude Smekens

Ceramics Peter Lane

Ceramics by Peter Lane

Photo by David John

Josh Herman San Diego

Josh Herman – San Diego

Stone bath tub by Errikos Artdesign

Stone bath tub by Errikos Artdesign

Colonial Revival home

Colonial Revival home in San Diego

Brooklyn Home Company

Brooklyn Home Company

Lime Green themed decor - Apartment Therapy

Lime green themed retro decor – Apartment Therapy
